C Plus plus is quite similar to C mit etwas Pro und Kontra. All C programme will run in CPP. But it also has some distinct features. Such as:
Working with input-output
iostream cin, cout
freeopen “r” and “w” mode and link stdin or stdout
3. `fstream` that lets you open multiple file and can write based on need.
int x;
double d;
char ch;
ifstream inputf;
ofstream of;
inputf >> x >> d >> ch;
of << x << d << ch;
Understanding namespace
Namespace allows you to use different variable, function of a same name. How?
So it allows us to define a set of variable and functions in a separate scope.
Understanding conditions and loop
Understanding Array
Understanding String
Understanding function
pass by reference and pass by value.
Understanding Pointer
Dynamic Allocation
We can take memory space from heap dynamically instead of taking it from memory. This is the concept of Dynamic allocation.
Dynamic Vector
Whenever we need dynamic array, vector is the solution. It allows us to dynamically increase the size of the vector.
Here a.begin() is not a pointer its an iterator. What is an iterator?