بِسْمِ ٱللَّٰهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ Points to be talked about:
About Me
I am Abrar from Bangladesh. I have a bachelor in Applied Mathematics. Currently Pursuing my masters in AI.
My Inability to speak
andfear of being seen
1. Improve vocabulary
- My thoughts on people who can speak eloquently.
Rasulallah SW
’s example on eloquence.- Why can’t I speak properly?
- Book: Peak and example of Benjamin Franklin mastering writing
Franklins Techniques:
- Find a inspiration
- Try to recreate the content from the notes
- Problem: Not enough vocabulary
- Write poem to improve vocabulary
- From poem recreate the prose.
- Write the hints in Jumbled order
- Recreate the article from jumbled hints
- Gained the ability to order his thought in writing.
Now following the structure of Franklin some questions for me:
- Do I have enough Vocabulary? Is it decent enough?
- Can I use my vocabulary properly?
- How can I overcome this?
2. Conquer my fear
- The Hadith of
Rasulallah SW
about the two wolves in our heart - My idea of perfect life.
- How this impacts the family life and social life. An Example.
- Skin in the game.
3. Feynman Technique
- Story of
Imam Shafi Rahimahullah
4. Quantitative Data from this.
- Create transcript and analyse the problem and improve from it
Current plan on the channel:
- ExML
- Statistics