Let’s discuss the requirements of the vehicle in chapter 2:

  1. two sensors and
  2. two motors and

Possible alignment of the motors and the sensors: a) motor and sensor are in the same side b) motor and sensor are diagonally placed c) both the motor have the sensory input of the both the sensors

But c) is pretty much vehicle 1. Why? because, the direction of the source doesn’t have any affect on it. So, it will run based on the intensity of the sensory input. (i.e. light, temperature). So, basically it is same as vehicle 1 with an extra motor and sensor.

Instead of writing The Vehicle 2 (a) or (b) over and over again, I will be calling The Vehicle 2(a)as Tony and The Vehicle 2(b) as Billy But a) and b) have some interesting feature. Based on where we put the sensor they acts very differently. In a) Tony moves away from the source: as Tony moves away from the source the speed decreases b) Billy moves toward the source: as Billy moves toward the source the speed increases

Why does it happen? The underlying concept is related to circular motion and centripetal/centrifugal force:

If the two wheels are rotating at a different speeds, then it will create a turning effect. Our Tony/Billy will move in a arc with different radius. Because, the difference in rotation will always causes it to move toward the slower wheel

Lets try to put it into equation (The physics is not strong with this one! 🫣): We have for proportionality constant , (i) (ii) and the overall velocity should be But the turning radius will be, or, So, in conclusion, a. Tony will always move away from the source. Until he reaches far away from the vicinity of Source he will be restless. Hence, he is a COWARD. If someone disagrees with the authors analogy, I guess if Tony were to scream Oh no! Oh boy! Oh boy!. Seeing this one could comment,

The only thing he chases is away!

But in case of Billy, b. Billy will always run toward the source. As he moves toward the Source his speed will increase. Hence, he is a AGGRESSIVE. If someone disagrees with the claim, we could put some insulting line in to the Source, like: Oh you think you can catch me...! comeon...! comeon...! and when he bangs on the source, one could say,

When people said β€˜face your fears,’ they didn’t mean headfirst!

N.B. There are people who don’t hide from their fear. They march on. Cowardice is really just a refusal to confront discomfort and push limits! (I took it from David Goggins). You hear that Tony!

13/11/24 -Abrar